Monday, August 25, 2014

"Utne REader Sept.Oct 1994 version"

Article is entitled:

"Finding the soul of your city"

(at the time I was residing in Lafayette Indiana and wrote out the answers to the article's questionnaire)

What feels like the center of the neighborhood in West Lafayette?

-the benches right outside of Garcia's restaurant


-downtown Main and 6th street

Melbourne, Australia?

Swanston and Bourke (lots of street artists)

-What are West Lafayette boundaries?

Columbia bridge

Harrison bridge

w.l. Klondike school

and highway 52

Where can u find water in West Lafayette? Wabash River

is it still or flowing?

-unsure, sometimes flowing


the Yarra River, flowing

What and when are Lafayette's festivals?

-The taste of Tippecanoe

-The strawberry festival
-the Melbourne Cultural Arts Festival
-the Fringe Arts Festival

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