Tuesday, June 2, 2015

My very bad experiences with Verizon

I've only had this phone this smartphone for 8 months.

Verizon more than tripled the amount that I owe each month. it's very difficult for me to comprehend how the bills could be so high. They claim each month that I keep using more data than I am permitted on the Internet. I thought that increasing my data to the unlimited plan would do the trick but they still keep sending me bills that I can't even comprehend, with all sorts of thumb late fees and like I said overage fees taxes.

So last month they just shut me off. I make numerous phone calls to the Verizon clerks asking them what can I do to prevent being shut off, no matter how many calls I make it's like I'm wasting my time. I've gone from an average of $60 a month to $200 a month. Now there's no question about it if I could afford a computer, I would have to get rid of my smartphone, but I can't buy a computer because I don't have decent enough credit to qualify for a credit card.

With the so-called average and late fees I think my bill is now about 350 or more. my income is still 750 a month and I have a lot less money for food now.

I've been told that I can switch from Verizon to another provider now I can certainly try that. As far as collectors Verizon collectors I don't need to worry too much about that because it's rare for a business to sue a person whose only income is disability.

I somebody sent me a link to Verizon complaint to consumer affairs I believe it was. And there were probably hundreds and hundreds of complaints. I read and I read and I read and there was nothing but problems with Verizon by consumers.

Insight and forced to give up a smartphone then I have to give up Facebookblogging at home a fantastic camera and basic internet for all the researching that I do each day.

In the next 48 hours I will transfer whatever data I can also do this phone onto a flash drive, I think that's the next step since I'm not clear as to whether I have to actually give up this phone or not or simply give up the provider. It's most certainly not simple when you've gotten used to Internet. Internet has raised the quality of life, albeit not to wear my quality of life is acceptable but it has raced it nonetheless specially having a having it at home

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